Monday, September 18, 2006

Smart Women

Great idea and proper music. No doubt, she is smart.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

One of Alfred Hitchcock's film

The man who knew too much(1934)
Kidnapping, cheating, assassination......
This is original British-made.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Another aged movie

Dressed to Kill(1946)
A convicted thief hides the stolen printing plate of the Bank.
A series of murders happened and the detectives start to investigate.

An old film

The Outlaw(1943)
About the scandalous history, I like to watch the old film. Because we can always see the basic elements of motion pictures.

Monday, May 08, 2006


My film project "Ransom" is processing now. Too many things need to be done ASAP. I personally feel there are so many problems that need to be overcome. Sometimes I can not but think it's just because we have tiny budget and feel frustrate deeply. Why things are always so annoying? I want the night train atmosphere, and this part is most difficult. Tough, tough, tough. This week INPUT2006 is going on. How can I balance here and there? I need more inspirations ....
短片要拍, 沒錢運作很麻煩, 火車讓我頭大, 捉襟見肘, 我要做個tough guy, 不能鬆手.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


I have finished a screenplay of short film. It was about "ransom". The scene was started in the coach of a train. A young woman, a salesman, a old man and a teenager, the sweeper was curious about the strange atmoshpere among them......
It's a charming story I think. After gathering the fund, I will produce this short film surely.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Go sleep Mario

Part I

Part II

Part III

A ballon something love

是空, 不是靜, 但要靜下來聽

A love story

那愛情的發生與逝去, 人們是否可以用靜的心情看待?

Just a little story inside


Encounter Charles Bukowski

Septuagenarian Stew

Bukowski turns 70, and still churns out the poetry.

Bukowski celebrates turning 70 with a collection of stories and poems about alcoholics, mad housewives, gamblers whose decaying lives slip uncontrolably away from them, just like the successful types Bukowski deals with here too......

遇見Charles Bukowski
一週前, 我還不識查理布考斯基是何許人, 直到看了這本生猛的譯本, 他的詩和短文讓我印象深刻, 也許十年的放浪形骸給了他很多創作的能量, 但這位”無賴的桂冠詩人”, 用簡明的文字把社會的某一面開啟了, 也給我另一種閱讀的新視野.
另外, 在他的短文或詩作裏, 我看到許多特殊的社會底層的影像, 十分類似已經太多的城市悲劇驚悚片影像, 而他在文字之間就完成了.
我想, 應該看多一點, 原文的, 會對目前想完成的劇本有點幫助. Posted by Picasa

From the heart to make a story

We people all have his own gift about telling stories. Some can drescribe things with imaginations like a wing with a bird. Some can emotionally and slowly tell a charming tale. The only difference among one another is the angle. I wish I can always telling moving story.